Detective Jiang Haohua (played by Donnie Yen) is often criticized by the authorities for his aggressive and bold handling of the case. Recently, he received an assignment to retrieve witness Su Quan from the Philippines. Due to the involvement of Jiang Haohua's wife killing enemy Dick (played by Zhang Yaoyang) in Su Quan's case, Jiang Haohua is on high alert, but Dick still takes the lead. Jiang Haohua, who had a poor start
Detective Jiang Haohua (played by Donnie Yen) is often criticized by the authorities for his aggressive and bold handling of the case. Recently, he received an assignment to retrieve witness Su Quan from the Philippines. Due to the involvement of Jiang Haohua's wife killing enemy Dick (played by Zhang Yaoyang) in Su Quan's case, Jiang Haohua is on high alert, but Dick still takes the lead. Jiang Haohua, who had a poor start