The story takes place in a small town in Linjiang, Hunan. Stubborn by nature, Xiaojing (played by Yin Yaning) has been deaf and mute since childhood. Her parents divorced in her early years, and now she lives with her grandfather and uncle (played by Yu Xuan). The constant inability to communicate with others has alienated her personality, and Xiaojing has gradually become difficult to ponder, causing her to slide towards Lun
The story takes place in a small town in Linjiang, Hunan. Stubborn by nature, Xiaojing (played by Yin Yaning) has been deaf and mute since childhood. Her parents divorced in her early years, and now she lives with her grandfather and uncle (played by Yu Xuan). The constant inability to communicate with others has alienated her personality, and Xiaojing has gradually become difficult to ponder, causing her to slide towards Lun