The movie "Night Battle" features a destitute young man named Hui Shao, who once worked as a singer and fought black boxing. Hui Shao is a resolute and righteous person, with a strong martial arts aura. Beneath his rough appearance, he also retains a softness in his heart. The movie "Night Battle" tells the story of Hui Shao and his brother A Sheng getting involved in a martial arts dispute due to gambling debts. Because gambling debts implicate Hui Shao
The movie "Night Battle" features a destitute young man named Hui Shao, who once worked as a singer and fought black boxing. Hui Shao is a resolute and righteous person, with a strong martial arts aura. Beneath his rough appearance, he also retains a softness in his heart. The movie "Night Battle" tells the story of Hui Shao and his brother A Sheng getting involved in a martial arts dispute due to gambling debts. Because gambling debts implicate Hui Shao