In the chaotic era of chaos and foreign powers, the monk Xiang'an brought an orphan from China to Japan. The orphan's name is Zaitaro, and he carries an astonishing secret. After being separated from Xiang'an, the lonely and helpless Zaitaro took his beloved dog Feimaru to the Wanjue Temple in the land of Chichi and met the mysterious swordsman "Nameless" on the way
In the chaotic era of chaos and foreign powers, the monk Xiang'an brought an orphan from China to Japan. The orphan's name is Zaitaro, and he carries an astonishing secret. After being separated from Xiang'an, the lonely and helpless Zaitaro took his beloved dog Feimaru to the Wanjue Temple in the land of Chichi and met the mysterious swordsman "Nameless" on the way