Spring 2009 SP - A special project commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kiyoshi Matsumoto, original work by Kiyoshi Matsumoto, script by Kuniko Hinata. In the late Showa period, a retired man named Kozuka Sada (played by Hiroshi Ishizaka) went on a trip alone as usual, and his wife Yuriko (played by Yukiyoshi Shizuka) also saw him off as usual, which was somewhat unusual
Spring 2009 SP - A special project commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kiyoshi Matsumoto, original work by Kiyoshi Matsumoto, script by Kuniko Hinata. In the late Showa period, a retired man named Kozuka Sada (played by Hiroshi Ishizaka) went on a trip alone as usual, and his wife Yuriko (played by Yukiyoshi Shizuka) also saw him off as usual, which was somewhat unusual