The film "The Life of Heroes and Fans" is directed by Keisuke Toyoshima, who also starred Masahiko Wada, Kana Komatsu, and Taro Okada. The film takes the fictional city of Tangtang as the stage, and the protagonist Nakatsu (played by Takashi Higashi), who is fired by the company and comes to work in a supermarket, forms an alliance with supermarket employees to fight against each other
The film "The Life of Heroes and Fans" is directed by Keisuke Toyoshima, who also starred Masahiko Wada, Kana Komatsu, and Taro Okada. The film takes the fictional city of Tangtang as the stage, and the protagonist Nakatsu (played by Takashi Higashi), who is fired by the company and comes to work in a supermarket, forms an alliance with supermarket employees to fight against each other