In 1938, after the underground party organization's radio station in Shanghai was destroyed by the enemy, Li Xia (Sun Daolin), the political commissar of the Yan'an liberated area radio station, came to Shanghai. During the day, he was a businessman, and at night, he hid in the attic to send and receive telegrams. In order to further ensure confidentiality, the party organization also arranged for the female worker He Lanfen (Yuan Xia) from the yarn factory to work with him
In 1938, after the underground party organization's radio station in Shanghai was destroyed by the enemy, Li Xia (Sun Daolin), the political commissar of the Yan'an liberated area radio station, came to Shanghai. During the day, he was a businessman, and at night, he hid in the attic to send and receive telegrams. In order to further ensure confidentiality, the party organization also arranged for the female worker He Lanfen (Yuan Xia) from the yarn factory to work with him