The movie "The Warrior" is based on the heroic historical facts of the Red Army crossing the Dadu River and seizing the Luding Bridge during the Long March, showcasing the extraordinary experiences of the warriors who were brave and brave in the pursuit and interception of the enemy, challenging the critical moments of life and death. In the film, Li Dongxue plays the role of Huang Kaixiang, the commander of the 22 commandos, who travels through gunfire with his soldiers
The movie "The Warrior" is based on the heroic historical facts of the Red Army crossing the Dadu River and seizing the Luding Bridge during the Long March, showcasing the extraordinary experiences of the warriors who were brave and brave in the pursuit and interception of the enemy, challenging the critical moments of life and death. In the film, Li Dongxue plays the role of Huang Kaixiang, the commander of the 22 commandos, who travels through gunfire with his soldiers