The disheveled and disheveled ronin samurai Sanjiro (played by Minaro Mifuna) arrives in a small town where two bullies, Kiyoshi (played by Kiyoshi Kawazu) and Shinda Chouyin (played by Satsumi Yamagata), compete for territory and often engage in battles to recruit troops and buy horses, causing the people to struggle. Sanjiro decided to design from it, luring both parties to hire from
The disheveled and disheveled ronin samurai Sanjiro (played by Minaro Mifuna) arrives in a small town where two bullies, Kiyoshi (played by Kiyoshi Kawazu) and Shinda Chouyin (played by Satsumi Yamagata), compete for territory and often engage in battles to recruit troops and buy horses, causing the people to struggle. Sanjiro decided to design from it, luring both parties to hire from