Advertising company employee Toshio Sakuma (played by Naoto Fujiki), although dressed in glamorous attire and living a luxurious life, has to bear the ruthless criticism and enormous pressure from the strict boss Katsura Katsura (played by Ling Ishihashi) in the company. One night, he was wandering outside the mansion in Gecheng when he accidentally saw a young girl (Yuki Nakamura)
Advertising company employee Toshio Sakuma (played by Naoto Fujiki), although dressed in glamorous attire and living a luxurious life, has to bear the ruthless criticism and enormous pressure from the strict boss Katsura Katsura (played by Ling Ishihashi) in the company. One night, he was wandering outside the mansion in Gecheng when he accidentally saw a young girl (Yuki Nakamura)