At the Daima fishing port on the Shimonoseki Peninsula, fisherman Kobayashi Fangjiro (played by Takahiko Sugata) raised his daughter alone. His daughter, Yuko (played by Yasuko Natsume), falls in love with young man Junichi (played by Hiroshi Sato) who works in a coffee shop. Junichi decided to learn how to fish with Fangjiro in order to win his favor. After waiting for several days, the two finally encountered
At the Daima fishing port on the Shimonoseki Peninsula, fisherman Kobayashi Fangjiro (played by Takahiko Sugata) raised his daughter alone. His daughter, Yuko (played by Yasuko Natsume), falls in love with young man Junichi (played by Hiroshi Sato) who works in a coffee shop. Junichi decided to learn how to fish with Fangjiro in order to win his favor. After waiting for several days, the two finally encountered