The story of the film takes place on the east coast and unfolds a tragic story of a fisherman's family amidst the singing of "Fisherman's Light Song". Fisherman Xu Fu and his family have a difficult life, and the birth of a pair of twin children, a kitten and a monkey, has added to the family's burden. Later, Xu Fu died at sea, and Xu's mother had no choice but to become a wet nurse at the He family of the ship king. Cats, monkeys, and
The story of the film takes place on the east coast and unfolds a tragic story of a fisherman's family amidst the singing of "Fisherman's Light Song". Fisherman Xu Fu and his family have a difficult life, and the birth of a pair of twin children, a kitten and a monkey, has added to the family's burden. Later, Xu Fu died at sea, and Xu's mother had no choice but to become a wet nurse at the He family of the ship king. Cats, monkeys, and