Lawyer Jian Shilang (played by Hideyoshi Nishijima) and beautician Kenji Yakatsu (played by Shinoya Ueno) are a gay couple living in a certain apartment building in the city. Since there is no hope of having a child, Lawyer Jian went all out to save up a pension fund. Left deduct my boyfriend's pocket money, right reach out to my hometown to beg for canned food, and even pay for my monthly meal expenses
Lawyer Jian Shilang (played by Hideyoshi Nishijima) and beautician Kenji Yakatsu (played by Shinoya Ueno) are a gay couple living in a certain apartment building in the city. Since there is no hope of having a child, Lawyer Jian went all out to save up a pension fund. Left deduct my boyfriend's pocket money, right reach out to my hometown to beg for canned food, and even pay for my monthly meal expenses