It tells the legendary story of a generation of Wang Dayu, who experienced hardships during his youth and led his tribe to protect their homeland and fight against floods and beasts. Many mythological characters from the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the film, such as Ying Long, Gong Gong, Shen Turtle, Shen Bird, Xiang Liu, Pangu Mountain, etc., give the audience a certain understanding of the cultural geography of ancient times.
It tells the legendary story of a generation of Wang Dayu, who experienced hardships during his youth and led his tribe to protect their homeland and fight against floods and beasts. Many mythological characters from the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the film, such as Ying Long, Gong Gong, Shen Turtle, Shen Bird, Xiang Liu, Pangu Mountain, etc., give the audience a certain understanding of the cultural geography of ancient times.