In the summer of 1865, in Kyoto, the Tokugawa shogunate established a strict new composition group to select new members. The lower level samurai Tadano (Asano Tadanobu) and the beautiful young man Gara Sozaburo (Matsuda Ryohira) were selected for their outstanding swordsmanship. Upon joining the team, Ghana excellently completed the order to execute the team members who violated the law.
In the summer of 1865, in Kyoto, the Tokugawa shogunate established a strict new composition group to select new members. The lower level samurai Tadano (Asano Tadanobu) and the beautiful young man Gara Sozaburo (Matsuda Ryohira) were selected for their outstanding swordsmanship. Upon joining the team, Ghana excellently completed the order to execute the team members who violated the law.