The film tells the story of Yuko Shitani, who lives in a small local town and claims to be 16 years and 42 months old, and Yutaro Tomita, who grew up together, going to Tokyo to pick up her friend Miyu, who has been subjected to violence by her boyfriend. Two people request help from friends they know in online games, and the three of them are like challenging the ultimate battle in role-playing games
The film tells the story of Yuko Shitani, who lives in a small local town and claims to be 16 years and 42 months old, and Yutaro Tomita, who grew up together, going to Tokyo to pick up her friend Miyu, who has been subjected to violence by her boyfriend. Two people request help from friends they know in online games, and the three of them are like challenging the ultimate battle in role-playing games