The movie "Moonlight Flower" is adapted from the real story of Zhang Xuezhen, a Yi female entrepreneur from Luquan County, who worked hard to start her own business. The rich and colorful Luquan cultural landscape and ethnic customs have become the unique cultural background of the film. The story revolves around Ayue's handling of difficult work together, with her growth experience as a secondary thread. It revolves around Ayue, along with Ayiang and Boss Jin
The movie "Moonlight Flower" is adapted from the real story of Zhang Xuezhen, a Yi female entrepreneur from Luquan County, who worked hard to start her own business. The rich and colorful Luquan cultural landscape and ethnic customs have become the unique cultural background of the film. The story revolves around Ayue's handling of difficult work together, with her growth experience as a secondary thread. It revolves around Ayue, along with Ayiang and Boss Jin