In 1926, young intellectual Xiao Jianqiu (played by Sun Daolin) was invited by his old classmate Tao Mukan (played by Gao Bo) to teach at a small town high school in eastern Zhejiang. On the ship heading to teach, he met Wen Sao (played by Shangguan Yunzhu), whose husband had died in the Guangzhou Uprising, and felt sympathy immediately. Welcome held by Tao Mukan for him
In 1926, young intellectual Xiao Jianqiu (played by Sun Daolin) was invited by his old classmate Tao Mukan (played by Gao Bo) to teach at a small town high school in eastern Zhejiang. On the ship heading to teach, he met Wen Sao (played by Shangguan Yunzhu), whose husband had died in the Guangzhou Uprising, and felt sympathy immediately. Welcome held by Tao Mukan for him