Born into a grassroots family, Jia Fu (played by Fang Zuming) has a father (played by Zeng Zhiwei) who is a minibus driver, and a mother (played by Mao Shunyun) who is a receptionist at a restaurant. Although from a humble background, I have enjoyed the warmth of my family. He went to a prestigious women's school with his classmates and accidentally saw Ruo Nan (played by Xue Kaiqi), and even disguised himself as a student from a prestigious school to go there
Born into a grassroots family, Jia Fu (played by Fang Zuming) has a father (played by Zeng Zhiwei) who is a minibus driver, and a mother (played by Mao Shunyun) who is a receptionist at a restaurant. Although from a humble background, I have enjoyed the warmth of my family. He went to a prestigious women's school with his classmates and accidentally saw Ruo Nan (played by Xue Kaiqi), and even disguised himself as a student from a prestigious school to go there