&Amp; lt; An Tan Chunzi's whereabouts are unknown& gt; The original work is another well-known novel by Mariko Yamauchi; lt; Welcome boredom here& gt; Announce Imagination, starring Ai Hashimoto and starring Makoto Meno; amp; Starring Narita Ling, directed by Takayoshi Hiroki. The story is presented in a social context that is increasingly singular and lacks originality
&Amp; lt; An Tan Chunzi's whereabouts are unknown& gt; The original work is another well-known novel by Mariko Yamauchi; lt; Welcome boredom here& gt; Announce Imagination, starring Ai Hashimoto and starring Makoto Meno; amp; Starring Narita Ling, directed by Takayoshi Hiroki. The story is presented in a social context that is increasingly singular and lacks originality