During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the land of Jiangnan was trampled upon by Japanese invaders with iron hooves. Young Wang Zhiqiang organized a guerrilla force to resist the Japanese invaders, and his unmarried Ruolan and younger brother Zhiming also joined this ranks. They endured the house being burned down. The great grief and indignation of relatives being killed mobilized the masses to disintegrate the enemy army. Expanding the guerrilla forces. In a battle, he
During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the land of Jiangnan was trampled upon by Japanese invaders with iron hooves. Young Wang Zhiqiang organized a guerrilla force to resist the Japanese invaders, and his unmarried Ruolan and younger brother Zhiming also joined this ranks. They endured the house being burned down. The great grief and indignation of relatives being killed mobilized the masses to disintegrate the enemy army. Expanding the guerrilla forces. In a battle, he