The movie consists of four stories. A passionate couple adopts a cat named Xiao Ai. After breaking up, where should Xiao Ai go? The second is just a small blessing in the waves. A man who is separated from his family and unemployed meets Xiaofu, and from then on, they become each other's reliance. The third one is a cat named Xiuyan. The only daughter Xiujing's friends all have pets and are lonely
The movie consists of four stories. A passionate couple adopts a cat named Xiao Ai. After breaking up, where should Xiao Ai go? The second is just a small blessing in the waves. A man who is separated from his family and unemployed meets Xiaofu, and from then on, they become each other's reliance. The third one is a cat named Xiuyan. The only daughter Xiujing's friends all have pets and are lonely