At the end of the 20th century, Meize Lihua (played by Rihui Miyazawa), who worked at Wakaya Bank, became a full-time employee and had just secured a high business deal from the solitary elderly man Kozo Hirashi (played by Lianshi Ishihashi). With her charm and charm, she was highly valued by her leader Inoue (played by Kazuo Kondo). It's just that the pear blossom's heart seems to be hidden
At the end of the 20th century, Meize Lihua (played by Rihui Miyazawa), who worked at Wakaya Bank, became a full-time employee and had just secured a high business deal from the solitary elderly man Kozo Hirashi (played by Lianshi Ishihashi). With her charm and charm, she was highly valued by her leader Inoue (played by Kazuo Kondo). It's just that the pear blossom's heart seems to be hidden