One day, the young girl Fujizi suddenly fainted at school. Her mother, Jihezi, who had thought she was fine, took her daughter home, but to her surprise, her daughter fainted again and said eerie and terrifying words to her father, Hiroshi Yokota (played by Masahiro Katsumura). Fu Jizi was immediately taken to the hospital and upon examination, an unknown cyst was found in her abdomen. From here
One day, the young girl Fujizi suddenly fainted at school. Her mother, Jihezi, who had thought she was fine, took her daughter home, but to her surprise, her daughter fainted again and said eerie and terrifying words to her father, Hiroshi Yokota (played by Masahiro Katsumura). Fu Jizi was immediately taken to the hospital and upon examination, an unknown cyst was found in her abdomen. From here