At the age of less than 30, Yoshikawa Ichiro has a captivating perseverance, walking to the ancestral valley area of Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku, which can be considered the last secret realm of Japan, showcasing an extraordinary humanistic perspective. This is the life expectation of Chuncai before entering the adult stage. As an orphan in a traffic accident, fate requires her to be adopted by a farmer and grow up in a beautiful mountainous area, thinking of her background
At the age of less than 30, Yoshikawa Ichiro has a captivating perseverance, walking to the ancestral valley area of Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku, which can be considered the last secret realm of Japan, showcasing an extraordinary humanistic perspective. This is the life expectation of Chuncai before entering the adult stage. As an orphan in a traffic accident, fate requires her to be adopted by a farmer and grow up in a beautiful mountainous area, thinking of her background