The deeds of Genroku Tadakatsu have been passed down for centuries. Among the 47 martyrs, Teresaka Yoshimasa (played by Hiroshi Sato) is the only surviving one in the world. He was entrusted by Daishi Naosuke (played by Renzuo Katoka) to pass down the deeds of the 47 martyrs and shoulder the responsibility of taking care of their families. Time flies, in a blink of an eye
The deeds of Genroku Tadakatsu have been passed down for centuries. Among the 47 martyrs, Teresaka Yoshimasa (played by Hiroshi Sato) is the only surviving one in the world. He was entrusted by Daishi Naosuke (played by Renzuo Katoka) to pass down the deeds of the 47 martyrs and shoulder the responsibility of taking care of their families. Time flies, in a blink of an eye