Eighteen years ago, seven young residents, including Lin Langsheng (played by Tan Junyan), Shen Jingyi (played by Chen Shancong), and Xie Jiafu (played by He Yuandong), clashed with a thug named Hu Qisi (played by Lin Haowen), and eventually Qisi fell to the ground... The seven of them became estranged from each other, and since then, they have separated and never returned. Eighteen years have passed, and the police are investigating
Eighteen years ago, seven young residents, including Lin Langsheng (played by Tan Junyan), Shen Jingyi (played by Chen Shancong), and Xie Jiafu (played by He Yuandong), clashed with a thug named Hu Qisi (played by Lin Haowen), and eventually Qisi fell to the ground... The seven of them became estranged from each other, and since then, they have separated and never returned. Eighteen years have passed, and the police are investigating