It is a reality show that focuses on original friendship, with Dong Zijian, Liu Haoran, and Wang Junkai as permanent guests. The program presents a real-life recording of the journey of three artists fulfilling their wishes, and embarks on a plan to release the original youth. At the same time, it is hoped that through the depiction of what three young people saw and felt during their travels in the program, users can be awakened to their understanding of travel
It is a reality show that focuses on original friendship, with Dong Zijian, Liu Haoran, and Wang Junkai as permanent guests. The program presents a real-life recording of the journey of three artists fulfilling their wishes, and embarks on a plan to release the original youth. At the same time, it is hoped that through the depiction of what three young people saw and felt during their travels in the program, users can be awakened to their understanding of travel