Yuhara Shingi, Amamiya Tetsu, Sun Cheng is a common Chinese surname, and its English transliteration would typically be Cheng. However, some individuals with this surname may have adopted alternative English spellings based on personal preference or professional needs. If you have a specific individual in mind, it may be helpful to search for their official English name or inquire about their preferred transliteration.xi
Update 23 Episode
It was in the year 2202 AD. It has been three years since the Cosmic Warship Yamato returned from a powerful voyage that spanned 168000 light-years and led to Iskandar. Retrieve the previously blue Earth under the "Cosmic Restoration System" and enter into a treaty with the Camilla Empire
It was in the year 2202 AD. It has been three years since the Cosmic Warship Yamato returned from a powerful voyage that spanned 168000 light-years and led to Iskandar. Retrieve the previously blue Earth under the "Cosmic Restoration System" and enter into a treaty with the Camilla Empire