A college student with an extremely unfortunate physique, Yukido Fukuhara (played by Lingsuke Zeng), meets Naoya Xiaogong (played by Yuyu Sato), who has a completely opposite extremely lucky physique to himself. "As long as we are together with Xiao Gong, there will be no misfortune!" Fortunately, I approached Xiao Gong with such a plan, but due to a slight misunderstanding, they started dating as lovers. by
A college student with an extremely unfortunate physique, Yukido Fukuhara (played by Lingsuke Zeng), meets Naoya Xiaogong (played by Yuyu Sato), who has a completely opposite extremely lucky physique to himself. "As long as we are together with Xiao Gong, there will be no misfortune!" Fortunately, I approached Xiao Gong with such a plan, but due to a slight misunderstanding, they started dating as lovers. by