Fred Berner, HoLei is a common Chinese surname that can be translated to Leigh or simply kept as Lei in English, depending on the context and personal preference. YiLei is a common Chinese surname that can be translated to Leigh or simply kept as Lei in English, depending on the context and personal preference. Yiy DaLei is a common Chinese surname that can be translated to Leigh or simply kept as Lei in English, depending on the context and personal preference. Yie, LesLei is a common Chinese surname that can be translated to Leigh or simply kept as Lei in English, depending on the context and personal preference. Yiie Linka GLei is a common Chinese surname that can be translated to Leigh or simply kept as Lei in English, depending on the context and personal preference. Yiatter, MichaeLei is a common Chinese surname that can be translated to Leigh or simply kept as Lei in English, depending on the context and personal preference. Yi Pressman
Update 8 Episode已完结
English (repeated)
The first season of Crime Chronicles is scheduled for eight episodes, telling the story of The Menendez Brothers Murders.