"Asa Comes" tells the story of Asa Imai (played by Hiro), the second daughter of a wealthy businessman from Kyoto, who established a series of activities in Osaka, including a mining and carbon company, a bank, and a life insurance company, and made every effort to establish Japan's first women's university. The prototype of Asa's character is the industrialist Asako Hiroka, known as a heroine of the Meiji era.
"Asa Comes" tells the story of Asa Imai (played by Hiro), the second daughter of a wealthy businessman from Kyoto, who established a series of activities in Osaka, including a mining and carbon company, a bank, and a life insurance company, and made every effort to establish Japan's first women's university. The prototype of Asa's character is the industrialist Asako Hiroka, known as a heroine of the Meiji era.