The story takes place in the late Southern Song Dynasty. Guo Jing (played by Zhang Zhilin) and Yang Kang (played by Luo Jialiang) are the last descendants of the Guo and Yang families, respectively. Guo Jing grew up in the desert and was taught martial arts by experts. He was loyal, honest, and upright, while Yang Kang was adopted by the Jin dynasty's Wanyan Honglie (played by Wang Wei) and became the crown prince. One day
The story takes place in the late Southern Song Dynasty. Guo Jing (played by Zhang Zhilin) and Yang Kang (played by Luo Jialiang) are the last descendants of the Guo and Yang families, respectively. Guo Jing grew up in the desert and was taught martial arts by experts. He was loyal, honest, and upright, while Yang Kang was adopted by the Jin dynasty's Wanyan Honglie (played by Wang Wei) and became the crown prince. One day