Adapted from the manga of the same name by Tetsuya Toshii. The story tells of the sparse population and resources on the isolated island of Hokkaido. The black figs produced by the young man Izumi Keita (played by Ryuya Fujiwara) on the island successfully attract a large amount of funds to settle in. Kenichi Matsuyama plays the hunter Tanabe Chun, who grew up with Keita from a young age. The fate of the two is due to a murder case
Adapted from the manga of the same name by Tetsuya Toshii. The story tells of the sparse population and resources on the isolated island of Hokkaido. The black figs produced by the young man Izumi Keita (played by Ryuya Fujiwara) on the island successfully attract a large amount of funds to settle in. Kenichi Matsuyama plays the hunter Tanabe Chun, who grew up with Keita from a young age. The fate of the two is due to a murder case