Tian Liqiu (played by Xie Xian), Cai Feng (played by Feng Baobao), and Ye Yichong (played by Lin Xue) were once intimidating assassin organizations in the 1960s. However, due to the changing times, the three of them had to take off their battle clothes and return to their ordinary lives. Entering the twilight year, who is willing to be labeled as a negative asset? With the help of a radio song, sing "Youth"
Tian Liqiu (played by Xie Xian), Cai Feng (played by Feng Baobao), and Ye Yichong (played by Lin Xue) were once intimidating assassin organizations in the 1960s. However, due to the changing times, the three of them had to take off their battle clothes and return to their ordinary lives. Entering the twilight year, who is willing to be labeled as a negative asset? With the help of a radio song, sing "Youth"