Twenty five years after Hong Kong's return, the story revolves around a struggling family as a microcosm of society. Police officer Ye Guodong (played by Chen Shancong) was appointed as the flag bearer for the July 1st return celebration, but he injured his arm before appearing and was unable to fulfill his flag raising duties. Coincidentally, his wife Sun Zhuolan (played by Tang Shiyong) gave birth to a son named Jialiang (played by Zhu Minhan) on the day of the return
Twenty five years after Hong Kong's return, the story revolves around a struggling family as a microcosm of society. Police officer Ye Guodong (played by Chen Shancong) was appointed as the flag bearer for the July 1st return celebration, but he injured his arm before appearing and was unable to fulfill his flag raising duties. Coincidentally, his wife Sun Zhuolan (played by Tang Shiyong) gave birth to a son named Jialiang (played by Zhu Minhan) on the day of the return