Uncle Biao (played by Dong Biao) lives in a public house with his wife Aunt Biao (played by Shen Dianxia), second daughter (played by Li Lizhen), and youngest daughter. The married eldest daughter and son-in-law hope to move in with Uncle Biao. But originally, Uncle Biao's family was cramped, and now he has his eldest daughter and son-in-law who are about to give birth. Plus the current week of residence
Uncle Biao (played by Dong Biao) lives in a public house with his wife Aunt Biao (played by Shen Dianxia), second daughter (played by Li Lizhen), and youngest daughter. The married eldest daughter and son-in-law hope to move in with Uncle Biao. But originally, Uncle Biao's family was cramped, and now he has his eldest daughter and son-in-law who are about to give birth. Plus the current week of residence