The story tells the hilarious story of Gong Ping (played by Liu Xiaoguang), who produces and sells his own urn, but by chance, embarks on a journey to fulfill the dreams of a billionaire (played by Feng Li). Gong Ping and Wang Daye encountered numerous embarrassing situations along the way, with numerous scenes of reversal. To fulfill the wish of the wealthy to see their first love again, Gong Ping and Wang Daye drove an 80 year old car
The story tells the hilarious story of Gong Ping (played by Liu Xiaoguang), who produces and sells his own urn, but by chance, embarks on a journey to fulfill the dreams of a billionaire (played by Feng Li). Gong Ping and Wang Daye encountered numerous embarrassing situations along the way, with numerous scenes of reversal. To fulfill the wish of the wealthy to see their first love again, Gong Ping and Wang Daye drove an 80 year old car