A famous spy named Ling Lingqi (played by Stephen Chow) has been abandoned by his superiors for a long time and has become a meat vendor. A priceless dinosaur skeleton was stolen by a armored golden spear man. Due to the lack of clues and the danger of the mission, Ling Lingqi was entrusted with an important task by senior leaders. Ling Lingqi followed the clues and arrived in Hong Kong with her contact person Xiang
A famous spy named Ling Lingqi (played by Stephen Chow) has been abandoned by his superiors for a long time and has become a meat vendor. A priceless dinosaur skeleton was stolen by a armored golden spear man. Due to the lack of clues and the danger of the mission, Ling Lingqi was entrusted with an important task by senior leaders. Ling Lingqi followed the clues and arrived in Hong Kong with her contact person Xiang