This film revolves around the inheritance of the wealthy Shanxi Tiancheng Yuan ticketing company in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, reproducing the century long rise and fall of the financial industry on Wall Street in China. The story revolves around the memories of an elderly man in his twilight years: Master Kang (played by Zhang Tielin), the head of Tiancheng Yuan, has four sons under his knee, but the eldest son is born with a deaf and mute disability
This film revolves around the inheritance of the wealthy Shanxi Tiancheng Yuan ticketing company in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, reproducing the century long rise and fall of the financial industry on Wall Street in China. The story revolves around the memories of an elderly man in his twilight years: Master Kang (played by Zhang Tielin), the head of Tiancheng Yuan, has four sons under his knee, but the eldest son is born with a deaf and mute disability