Flying Tiger Commander Zhan Hantao (played by Ma Dezhong) is known as the "devil coach" and has extremely strict requirements for his subordinates. Sniper Zhuang Zhuoyuan (played by Liang Liewei) collaborates seamlessly with him to form a combination of red and white faces. There are two team members under their command with vastly different personalities. They are Yu Xueli, who comes from a wealthy family and advocates personal heroism
Flying Tiger Commander Zhan Hantao (played by Ma Dezhong) is known as the "devil coach" and has extremely strict requirements for his subordinates. Sniper Zhuang Zhuoyuan (played by Liang Liewei) collaborates seamlessly with him to form a combination of red and white faces. There are two team members under their command with vastly different personalities. They are Yu Xueli, who comes from a wealthy family and advocates personal heroism