The story tells of Xintong (played by Zhao Ting'en), who was raised by his father Tianji (played by Lin Jiadong) alone due to a lack of care from his mother since childhood. On the surface, the two are a model father and daughter, but in reality, there is a lack of communication between the two. One day, Xintong met Sizhe (played by Genjima Dadi) who had escaped from the laboratory and started eating genetically modified food as a snack“
The story tells of Xintong (played by Zhao Ting'en), who was raised by his father Tianji (played by Lin Jiadong) alone due to a lack of care from his mother since childhood. On the surface, the two are a model father and daughter, but in reality, there is a lack of communication between the two. One day, Xintong met Sizhe (played by Genjima Dadi) who had escaped from the laboratory and started eating genetically modified food as a snack“