The young and handsome Kenji Kurino (played by Koki Nariya) is a street thug who is looking for ladies for nightclubs and is determined to get ahead. He always takes advantage of his work to bring different girls home for the night, and Kurino is unaware of it. The lonely freelance writer living downstairs, Hiroshi Sugiyama (played by Yukawa Yuki), envies this kind of life very much
The young and handsome Kenji Kurino (played by Koki Nariya) is a street thug who is looking for ladies for nightclubs and is determined to get ahead. He always takes advantage of his work to bring different girls home for the night, and Kurino is unaware of it. The lonely freelance writer living downstairs, Hiroshi Sugiyama (played by Yukawa Yuki), envies this kind of life very much