Two years ago, Koichiro Kaga (played by Kan Abe) was still a criminal police officer at the Training Horse Police Station. At this moment, his father (played by Nu Yamazaki) is seriously ill and hospitalized, but Kaga has never visited him, making it difficult to break the barrier between father and son. On this day, a homicide occurred in the jurisdiction of Kaga. A 6-year-old girl named Haruta Inoue was killed by someone
Two years ago, Koichiro Kaga (played by Kan Abe) was still a criminal police officer at the Training Horse Police Station. At this moment, his father (played by Nu Yamazaki) is seriously ill and hospitalized, but Kaga has never visited him, making it difficult to break the barrier between father and son. On this day, a homicide occurred in the jurisdiction of Kaga. A 6-year-old girl named Haruta Inoue was killed by someone