This drama is one of the 2012 TVB program tour series. Witness Protection Inspector Xu Weichen (played by Huang Zongze) is ordered to protect the attacked celebrity Qiao Jianghe (played by Jiang Zhiguang), who is the younger brother of "mall magician" Qiao Jiangshan (played by Qin Pei). Jiang He offended Xiong Fei, a powerful figure from Shenyang, and was killed
This drama is one of the 2012 TVB program tour series. Witness Protection Inspector Xu Weichen (played by Huang Zongze) is ordered to protect the attacked celebrity Qiao Jianghe (played by Jiang Zhiguang), who is the younger brother of "mall magician" Qiao Jiangshan (played by Qin Pei). Jiang He offended Xiong Fei, a powerful figure from Shenyang, and was killed