Entering the Meiji era, the former "executioner's sword drawn room" Kamura Kenshin (played by Sato Kenshin) has become accustomed to the peaceful life of the Kamiya dojo. Unexpectedly, on this day, his old friend, Okubo Toshio (played by Kazuki Miyazawa), who was known as one of the Three Heroes of the Restoration, invited him during the Anti Japanese War. Originally inherited the Sword Heart Executioner
Entering the Meiji era, the former "executioner's sword drawn room" Kamura Kenshin (played by Sato Kenshin) has become accustomed to the peaceful life of the Kamiya dojo. Unexpectedly, on this day, his old friend, Okubo Toshio (played by Kazuki Miyazawa), who was known as one of the Three Heroes of the Restoration, invited him during the Anti Japanese War. Originally inherited the Sword Heart Executioner