After the final battle between Hikari Yamei (played by Hachioji) and the mafia Kimura family, she mysteriously disappears, leaving only the arm of the machine gunner on the roadside. Yamei's good friend, Hiroaki (played by Kijima), accidentally obtains a machine gun arm but is attacked by a group of strange people. These strange people are Kimura Ryuji (Shimazu Kenji) who was killed by Yamei
After the final battle between Hikari Yamei (played by Hachioji) and the mafia Kimura family, she mysteriously disappears, leaving only the arm of the machine gunner on the roadside. Yamei's good friend, Hiroaki (played by Kijima), accidentally obtains a machine gun arm but is attacked by a group of strange people. These strange people are Kimura Ryuji (Shimazu Kenji) who was killed by Yamei