Ari (played by Guo Jin'an) and Ayue (played by Zhang Weijian), who were raised by a magical mother-in-law from a young age, are two good brothers with different personalities. They have both developed excellent martial arts skills and are extremely narrow-minded in their personalities. They have been conferred the title of Sun and Moon Divine Hero by the emperor. In the process of wandering the rivers and lakes, they successively encountered various strange people
Ari (played by Guo Jin'an) and Ayue (played by Zhang Weijian), who were raised by a magical mother-in-law from a young age, are two good brothers with different personalities. They have both developed excellent martial arts skills and are extremely narrow-minded in their personalities. They have been conferred the title of Sun and Moon Divine Hero by the emperor. In the process of wandering the rivers and lakes, they successively encountered various strange people