Jiang Meina (played by Choi Jang hee), a civil servant in the tax department of Gyeonggi Province, works hard and is honest. However, she was suspended from work for two months due to an impulse. At the same time, her fianc é also exposed an unreliable temperament, which made her angry and broke up. My father from my hometown was hospitalized due to illness and entrusted her with the transfer of the stationery store that she had been running for a lifetime
Jiang Meina (played by Choi Jang hee), a civil servant in the tax department of Gyeonggi Province, works hard and is honest. However, she was suspended from work for two months due to an impulse. At the same time, her fianc é also exposed an unreliable temperament, which made her angry and broke up. My father from my hometown was hospitalized due to illness and entrusted her with the transfer of the stationery store that she had been running for a lifetime