A high-end residential area in a bustling metropolis is home to a pair of red men and green women. The woman is the popular suspense novel writer Li Dou (played by Ying Cai'er), and her boyfriend Ding Chaoyang (played by Zhang Duo), who is a white-collar elite, had a previous marriage. However, his wife mysteriously disappeared 5 years ago and her whereabouts are unknown. There is a room in his home that has never been
A high-end residential area in a bustling metropolis is home to a pair of red men and green women. The woman is the popular suspense novel writer Li Dou (played by Ying Cai'er), and her boyfriend Ding Chaoyang (played by Zhang Duo), who is a white-collar elite, had a previous marriage. However, his wife mysteriously disappeared 5 years ago and her whereabouts are unknown. There is a room in his home that has never been